Monday, September 04, 2006

Just make the coffee

So it is back to the work place tomorrow! Spoiled by this third day of a weekend, looking forward to the next short work week! Which will be Thanksgiving, for me.
I hope you all (how far is that really from Y'all?) enjoyed your weekend, long or short. This is the first Labor Day I've had off as holiday since 1993. (and I am thankful.)
Another summer come to a close- it's bittersweet here. We are lucky for the tourism money we receive- our state is so financially corrupt (okay, not just financially) we need all the help we can get! It is also nice watching those who don't have daily access to an ocean shore enjoy ours.
All the same, here on the coast September and October are some of our favorite months- the beach weather is still lovely but the badge mandate has gone, as have the crowds. We have our parking spaces back, traffic is lighter, lines are shorter, gas prices are lower.
Some tranquility returns.


Anonymous said...

It seems like the work week after a 3 day weekend is always much longer than a normal 5 day work week. What is the temperature there in Sept/October?

Karen said...

Thank you for the compliment on my site! I am such a beach baby- how did I miss the lighthouse motif when I started up?
Very glad you like it!
Here right now it is normally in the 60's to 70's- October should be in the 40's by Halloween with some low 50's.
How are the temps by you?

Anonymous said...

In OK, it has been in the high 80's the past two weeks. I am looking forward to getting down to the 70's and the leaves changing on the trees. At Halloween, it will be in the upper 50's lower 60's. Hopefully we won't go right into winter and skip the Fall.