Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Give me a cookie...

Give me a cookie, and back the fuck up. Better yet, for your own safety, throw the damn thing from five feet away- just aim well or I'm coming after you.

So- fucking- cranky! It has got to be the hormones. No uterus, no periods, hard to tell... but the bloat, the completely unnecessary crying, the intense chocolate cravings...

and the one day a month I want to fucking eat people.

No reason for it- just recognize the red pupils, toss me something chocolated, and get the living hell out of my way. Quickly.


Pendullum said...

Better yet...
I'll mail the cookie!

Karen said...

Ha ha! That sounds safest ;)
I think getting all weepy on these days was better!

Unemployed Nurse Jack said...

I laughed when I read this post. Laughed *with* you, not *at* you. I swear, honestly!
::Waves hands defensively in front of myself::

Hoping this week things have calmed down and those cookies worked their magic.

Jay said...

You can eat cookies, you can eat people...but probably not both.